What shall one say about love? A wise teacher might say nothing about love. Words belong in the realm of space, and in space there is always room for division. Once there is division, there is room for the mind of anti-christ to define conditions. Once conditions are defined, one has lost love. Perhaps one can indeed say something about how the selves deal with love.
The selves and the manipulators are completely blinded by the consciousness of anti-christ and they can think only in terms of opposites. To the mind of anti-christ everything has an opposite. The first step of the manipulators is to define an opposite to everything—even setting the devil up as the opposite of God (as if the formless could ever have an opposite).
If one says “Yes,” another can say “No.” For any word one might use to describe love, the mind of anti-christ can come up with an opposite. If one says love is unconditional, the mind of anti-christ can say it is conditional, if one says love is infinite the mind of duality can say it is finite and so on ad infinitum.
The reality that can be experienced by the conscious self is that the original spiritual qualities have no opposites. The mind of anti-christ neither can nor will deal with this fact and it will seek to pervert any spiritual quality. However, a spiritual quality is a form of vibration. In its pure form this vibration is beyond anything found in the material world, which is why it has transformative power.
One might say that it is not possible to pervert a spiritual quality, but it is indeed possible to pervert the concept of a spiritual quality. The conscious self has the potential to return to its center and experience pure awareness. In pure awareness you can experience each spiritual quality directly and this is the ultimate transformative experience.
Until you have such a mystical experience, an experience of gnosis, you will know a spiritual quality only as a concept. When you are dealing with a concept, you are dealing with a mental image of the spiritual quality rather than the indivisible reality.
The concept exists in space and thus there is room for it to be divided into two opposing polarities. To the mind of anti-christ everything that is of the Christ mind is a concept and never an experience. It can be endlessly debated and refuted by the mind of anti-christ.
It is easy for most spiritual students to understand that the manipulators have perverted good by defining something that is clearly evil. The dualistic nature of the selves means you must create two aspects. You cannot create one perversion of a spiritual quality, you must create two.
What the manipulators have done is to take the concept of the spiritual quality love and then they have created two perversions, namely what human beings call hatred and what human beings call love. Neither of them are the spiritual quality of love.
One of the more subtle game of the selves is precisely the one which says that as a spiritual person, you need to avoid everything that your spiritual teaching defines as evil and you need to embrace and multiply everything your teaching defines as good. Avoiding dualistic hatred and embracing dualistic love will never get you closer to experiencing the non-dual spiritual quality of love.
Human love is not love
Why isn’t human love real love? Because it is in a polarity with hatred and it can be turned into hatred at the blink of an eye. When you have taken human love as far as it can be taken, a disappointment can cause you to instantly swing to the opposite polarity of hatred. Just look at how many people throughout history have engaged in a so-called love relationship only to come to a point of almost instantly switching into hating the person they used to claim that they loved.
How is this possible? It is possible only because the so-called love that the person claimed to feel for the beloved was a conditional love. When the other person no longer lived up to the conditions, or when the first person became aware that the other person never lived up to the conditions, then love was instantly transformed into hatred.
The person now felt he or she had been cheated, abused, taken advantage of or deceived. Suddenly, it was now justified to hate the other person and to express this hatred in all kinds of ways that spiritual people know are not spiritual, not kind and not loving. The mechanics of the situation is that the person was first identified with a self based on human love, then shifted out of that self into the polarity of a self based on human hatred.
What is behind human love? It is the selves’ desire for control. The human love game is truly a control game where the selves of one person (possibly of both partners) are seeking to control another person by claiming to love that person. It follows that the person who is loved is not loved freely because by accepting a love relationship, he or she has – often without knowing this – submitted to a set of conditions and is now expected to live up to these or feel the repercussions.
How is it possible that you can claim to love another person, yet if the person does not live up to the conditions that you have defined (and which the other person may know nothing about), it is suddenly justified that you treat that person in a way no truly loving person would treat another human being? Divine love cannot be turned into hatred so it follows that only human love can flip into its opposite. Again, how do you get off this treadmill? Only by reconnecting to pure awareness so you can experience spiritual love.
The origin of the need for control
Given what we have seen about free will, why would you ever think you need to control another person? It is possible only because when you go into separation, you inevitably come to feel incomplete. You adopt the deficit approach to life. You feel incomplete inside yourself, and you reason that since you do not have what you need inside, you can get it only from some source outside yourself.
This causes most people to approach a love relationship with a deficit of love that makes them feel unwhole and unloved. They have the (often unrecognized) expectation that the other person is going to be able to give them the love that will make them feel loved and whole. They then define a set of conditions (and they are often unconscious and cannot even be communicated to the other person) for what the other person is supposed to do in order to make them feel loved. Right there we have the core of most problems in human relationships.
The fact is that once you go into separation, you will never feel whole because you are pulled in opposite directions by two selves. No matter how much love another person would give to you, you still would not feel fully loved.
It is a simple truth that you will never feel whole by receiving something from outside yourself and you will never be whole by receiving something from this world. Human love – in any amount – will never satisfy your need for love. The selves’ need for love is a black hole that can never be filled.
You can feel whole only when you experience a spiritual quality. You can feel loved and filled with love only through spiritual love. Which part of you can experience spiritual love? Certainly not the selves so that leaves the conscious self. The conscious self cannot experience spiritual love through the filter of the selves. You can experience spiritual love only when you return to pure awareness.
Here comes the trick. How do you return to pure awareness so you can experience spiritual love? Spiritual love is a quality that cannot be owned because it is free and constantly flows. You cannot experience spiritual love as a static quality that you can control, store or possess. You can experience it only as a living stream that flows through you.
How do you experience spiritual love? By being willing to become an open door so that love can flow through you and be expressed in this world. It is when you are flowing with the stream of spiritual love that you will feel whole and truly loved.
How can spiritual love flow through you? Only when you set no conditions for its flow but are willing to let it express itself freely. Now look at how most people approach a love relationship. They do it with the deficit approach and they think they are entitled to receive something from the person they claim to love.
In order to experience spiritual love flowing through you, you need to transcend the deficit approach and engage in a love relationship for the sole purpose of giving to the other person. It is in giving to life here below that you receive more from Above. This is a fundamental law of life.
What is the ideal attitude for entering a love relationship? It is to be willing to give to the other person so that you can receive from higher awareness and feel spiritual love flowing through you. This is what most people can do while they are in love, but when a relationship enters the more settled phase, when the honeymoon is over, the subconscious selves begin to take over and now the flow of love from inside yourself is suddenly shut off. The reason is that the selves have now imposed conditions on your expression of love and this shuts off the flow. That is why Jesus said that you have to become as little children.
No need to control love
Why will the false teachers of this planet endlessly argue against love as being unconditional? Because that which is unconditional cannot be controlled. How do you control anything? By defining conditions and then projecting that people have to conform to those conditions.
Those who believe this and seek to conform to your conditions are under your control. The manipulators are seeking to control people on earth by defining conditions for how everything should be done—even how God would do it or want you to do it.
What is the very core of this attempt? It is the idea that something has gone wrong in this universe and that God or God’s qualities cannot correct the problem. Human beings must compensate for this cosmic accident by conforming to the conditions defined by the manipulators.
What is reality? The reality is that nothing has gone wrong with God’s plan. Self-aware beings (fallen and not fallen) have simply exercised their free will. Some have gone into separation where they think they can define their own reality independently of the reality of God.
This is allowed by the Law of Free Will, but the only way beings can get out of this illusion is through the School of Hard Knocks. They must take their self-defined “reality” so far into the extremes that they realize it simply does not work and now they want to be free of it. Some believe that it was in rebelling against God’s design that they claimed true freedom of will so they must exercise the separate will until they realize that in reality they are imprisoned by it.
What is the only way to be delivered from the illusion of separation? It is to open yourself up to having the spiritual qualities flow through you. A spiritual quality is not stupid. Unconditional love is not some wishy-washy form of love but is highly intelligent or aware. It senses what conditions you have in your mind and then it seeks to take you gradually beyond those conditions. The spiritual qualities can literally help you overcome any problem.
Take note of the subtle distinction. A spiritual quality will never conform to the conditions defined by the fallen mindset. It is not correct to say that the spiritual qualities can solve all problems defined through the mind of anti-christ. Such problems truly have no solution.
Once a solution is proposed, that solution will take you towards one dualistic extreme. The more you move towards one extreme, the more you increase the magnetic pull drawing you towards the opposite extreme. The nearer you come to your supposed solution, the more tension you will have in your mind, pulling you away from that solution.
The only solution to human problems is to experience a spiritual quality that offers you an alternative frame of reference. Once you have this, you can see how unreal the dualistic polarities are. The conscious self can then make a conscious choice to leave behind a set of paired selves. This takes you one step closer to spiritual freedom, and if you continue the process until all selves are gone, you are ready to ascend.
You see now that there is no need to control love. Your only choice about spiritual love is whether to let it flow freely or whether to shut it off by accepting conditions from the mind of anti-christ. The mind of anti-christ thinks it can solve any problem, and thus it should be allowed to control the flow of love.
If you come to see love as a solution, your selves will immediately begin to define conditions for how you should express it. If you truly want to be free, you need to let go of all conditions so you become the open door that neither man, nor the selves, nor manipulators can shut. An open door can be open only when it has no conditions for how a spiritual quality should express itself in this world.
The mind of anti-christ – despite its blustering – will never be able to fathom what the mind of Christ can see. A person who is an open door for love may express love in ways that shock other people.
Unless you are willing to let love express itself without conditions, you cannot be an open door for love. Unless you become an open door for spiritual love, you cannot be free from the selves’ love and hate games. To be free from a treadmill, the conscious self must make a conscious decision to get off.