The biggest lie about the human psyche

As mentioned, your society didn’t teach you about your subconscious mind in Kindergarten. In fact, you were brought up to believe that the equation of your life looks like this:

External circumstances = Your Life Experience

This means you were brought up to believe that the only way to change what is happening inside your psyche is to change your external circumstances. You were also brought up to believe that you have limited options for changing those circumstances. This means two things:

  • You came to accept that there are many circumstances in your life that you cannot change.
  • You came to accept that if you cannot change an external circumstance, you cannot change how that circumstance affects your Life Experience.

There are certain external circumstances that you cannot change, but once you make use of HAP, you will learn how to change many circumstances that you were brought up to believe are beyond your power to change.

However, the real lie that you were brought up to believe is that a given external circumstance must always lead to given Life Experience. This is a complete fallacy.

Precisely because the core of your mind is the conscious self, you have the potential to change ANY aspect of your inner circumstances, and thereby your Life Experience.

The lie you were brought up to believe is that you do not have the power to change your internal circumstances because you are a kind of mechanical being, a psychological robot. HAP will show you that you do indeed have the potential to consciously change anything that goes on inside your mind. You have the power to remake yourself and reach a much higher level of awareness than what you were brought up to believe is possible for a human being. The reason is that you are more than a human being, which will be explained in depth later.

You were brought up to accept that your state of mind is a consequence of external circumstances beyond your control. HAP will show you how to take control over your internal circumstances. By attaining this mastery, this self-mastery, you can reshape your Life Experience even if you cannot change your external circumstances. You can always change how you react to the external conditions. Or we might say you can learn how not to react.

In case you are wondering why you were brought up to believe these lies, the simple answer is that if you believe your inner experience is determined by external conditions, you are much easier to control. Who it is that wants to control you and why is a topic that will be discussed later.

At this point, it might be helpful to take a look at what higher awareness really is. Higher Awareness and the potential of the human mind