The discourse on responsibility games is not complete in itself. The selves will never accept responsibility but it will gladly seek to get you to accept responsibility for what is not your responsibility. This can be other people, as just explained, or it can be responsibility for the selves’ selection of the response to a given situation or life in general. The selves always have a division into at least two, meaning there is one self that denies all responsibility for a particular situation and its outcome and there is another self that projects at you that you are to blame.
In any situation you encounter in life, there will be at least two selves. When you face the situation or its outcome, there is one self that projects that you are not responsible and another that projects that you are to blame. Obviously, these two selves are completely opposite, which means that it is difficult to listen to them both at the same time. Doing so leads to stress, which is what psychologists call “cognitive dissonance.”
You are seeking to hold two mutually exclusive views at the same time. For most people, one of these selves will be dominant. Which one will it be for you? That depends on which of the two seems the most real to you given the situation and your present level of spiritual maturity. Basically, if the one self fails to convince you that you are not responsible, you will be open to the one that says you are to blame.
At the lower end of the scale of maturity, you have people who are completely selfish, and they will listen to the self that says they are not responsible. As you begin to awaken to the spiritual path, it is inevitable that you will accept more personal responsibility, and this will make you vulnerable to the self that blames you.
You can make the path so much easier for yourself by realizing that as a spiritual seeker, you will have to go through a schizophrenic phase where you alternate from one self to the other until you can finally begin to dismiss both selves. It is not a matter of determining which self is right; it is a matter of seeing that they are both unreal.
How selves are created
Before any manipulators were allowed to embody on earth, the original inhabitants had started to go into separation. This means they had started to create a number of selves based on separation but not on the fallen consciousness. The selves were originally created by individuals and existed only in the energy fields of individuals. Over time, so much energy and consciousness had been projected into these selves that they began to have an existence in the collective consciousness.
Collective selves exist at one of the three other levels, namely identity, mental and emotional. The importance is that once collective selves were created, it now became easier for people in embodiment to go into separation. People could open up their emotional body, for example, to a collective self without realizing what they were doing. Once a self invaded their individual energy field, it could quickly overpower their emotions.
When manipulators were allowed to enter the energy field of earth, they came in at all four levels. Some of them then started intensifying and perverting the collective selves in the three higher levels while at the same time creating new selves based on the fallen consciousness. This now formed a very subtle cocktail and it caused many people to drink the Cool Aid.
The manipulators who embodied physically would have the lowest level of self-awareness, meaning they were – although they seemed sophisticated compared to many other people – marionettes that were controlled by manipulators in the higher levels. As explained, Hitler or Stalin may have seemed powerful, but they were almost entirely controlled by manipulators in the higher levels.
The physical manipulators were used to force people into a simple action-reaction trap. The manipulators would physically violate the free will of other people, for example through overt force. It was inevitable that some people would respond to this through force and then other manipulators would now blame people for responding. One group of manipulators would provoke a response and another group of manipulators would blame people for their response to the first group.
The result was that people would now go into a dualistic reaction to the blame, and they would either seek to deflect the blame by denying responsibility (or attacking the accuser) or they would accept the blame and seek to compensate for what they had done. What happened at the higher levels was that people unconsciously opened their energy fields to the selves created by the manipulators. There were selves at the emotional, mental and identity levels and some people opened themselves up to one, others to several such selves. The selves would now invade people’s personal energy fields and often overpower them.
The effect was that people would feel that they were facing a situation that seemed unbearable, and in order to get relief from this, people would then create individual selves to deal with the collective selves. This led people into a never-ending game where they responded to the violations of the manipulators through selves created by the manipulators and then created more and more selves.
The net effect being that the more selves you have in your energy field, the more your attention is directed outwards and the more difficult it becomes for you to reconnect to your center. How can you ever rediscover the stillness of your center when your mind is a battlefield with numerous selves constantly screaming for your attention?
How do you get off this treadmill? By using the tools for invoking spiritual assistance. You can invoke the protection of Archangel Michael so selves cannot as easily gain entry into your energy field. You can call to Elohim Astrea to cut you free from collective selves and to bind and consume individual selves. There are other tools for overcoming specific selves.
The most important way to start gaining back some peace of mind is to raise your awareness and start taking command over your own mind and energy field. There are many teachings and tools for doing this but people can also do it through careful self-observation. You can use the two main abilities of the conscious self, namely the ability to step outside your current sense of self and experience infinity and the ability to look at yourself and ask: “Why do I keep doing this when I don’t like the results?”
The bottom line is that free will is the most important law so no self can gain entry into your energy field unless you invite them. The manipulators have created many subtle schemes for getting you to open yourself up to selves without knowing what is happening. You can counteract all of them by becoming aware and by deciding that you will no longer engage in these patterns of behavior, feelings, thoughts or sense of identity. The purpose for these discourses is to help you raise your awareness, look in the mirror, see the tricks your own selves are using and then decide: “This simply is not a reflection of who I am.”
How to stop blaming others
The most important step you can take towards taking control of your own mind is to decide that you will completely and utterly stop seeking to change the minds of other people. This means (among other things) that you will stop using the blame game, which is simply a way to control you and others, a way that springs from the fallen consciousness.
Any time – any time – you engage in blaming yourself or other people, you are opening yourself up to the control of impure selves and through them to control from the manipulators. Everything in the material world is energy, meaning every thought or feeling carries a certain vibration. Blame is a vibration that simply does not exist in the spiritual realm. The Christ mind contains no traces of blame whatsoever. It is only in the mind of anti-christ that blame can exist.
The core of the teaching about the conscious self is that it is pure awareness, which means that it cannot be changed by anything it encounters in the material realm. This means something extremely important. You may create many types of separate selves and you may enter into them and commit the most incredible physical atrocities. No matter what you might have done, the conscious self has not been changed by it. That is why you can never lose the potential to “become as little children” and enter the kingdom of God within you.
How can people commit unspeakable atrocities? Because they have forgotten that they are pure awareness and have come to identify themselves as a self created from separation. This is exactly what the manipulators want, and their goal is that once people on earth have entered separation (which is not difficult to attain) they will never get out of it.
To this end, the manipulators have created an elaborate web of blame games that have the primary purpose of making you believe that if you have done something bad, then you have become a bad person. In reality, you are who you are. It is only in separation that you will think you are who you think you are. You can – at any time – awaken from this illusion and connect to reality through the Christ mind—“this is my body which is broken for you.”
Here is the simple equation. Every time you blame someone else for being a bad person or having made a mistake, you are opening yourself up to the blame energy created by the manipulators. You are literally making yourself an extension of the manipulators, and there is no faster way to make karma.
You are also creating a self that simply lives to blame others, perhaps even one that takes pleasure in blaming others. Each time you allow blaming energy to flow through you, you solidify and intensify that self, which means it will have more and more power over you, making it harder for yourself to escape.
There is a subtle mechanism embodied in the statement: “Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay.” The deeper meaning is that God has set up a law that returns to you any energy you send out. It may not happen in this lifetime, but it will happen.
When someone else does something that violates you or others, you have no need to seek to blame or punish that person. The laws of God will take care of this unfailingly, and God’s law does not need the assistance of human beings.
What the manipulators have done is create a set of subtle blame and punishment games based on the underlying illusion that the Creator is not capable of taking care of its own creation. Human beings must step in and correct the errors and punish the perpetrators that God’s law cannot take care of. This is all one giant illusion and it only seeks to keep you trapped in the consciousness of anti-christ.
You cannot create one self that blames others. You must create a pair, one that directs blame outwards and one that directs it inwards. Surely, you can spend a long time being consciously focused on the one that blames others, but you still cannot escape the subconscious influence of the one that seeks to blame you.
The effect being that you must engage in an elaborate set of rules and behaviors designed to demonstrate that you are not doing something wrong and you are not to blame. If the games that seek to blame people are unreal, what do you think is the case for the games that are designed to help you escape blame? If all of your attention and energy is engaged in unreal activities, what are your chances of returning to reality? Where your treasure – meaning what you put your conscious attention upon – is, there will your heart and mind be also.
There is no ascended master who can directly work with a student who is still trapped in the blame game. There are indeed many students who have used ascended master teachings to create or reinforce blame games.
This is not saying such students cannot benefit from the teachings, but the masters cannot engage in a direct student-teacher relationship with a student until he or she stops blaming others and starts focusing on changing his or her own mind. It simply isn’t possible, for the student will not be able to follow the directions and will make karma for rejecting what the masters offer. They can only offer such people an outer teaching.
Escaping the blame game
How do you escape the blame games? By being willing to take an honest look at yourself and consider whether you are engaged in these games. To this end, here is one measure that you can apply.
The most subtle effect of the blame games is that they put you in a state of constant tension, of being on edge. This means you tend to take everything that happens to you personally. You react in any number of ways that demonstrate you are in tension. The more you tend to take things personally, the more you are trapped in blame games. How can you escape them? By realizing that nothing on earth is personal and thus you should not take anything personally.
There are two pieces of information that can help you free yourself from all blame games. One is that the conscious self is pure awareness and has not been changed by anything you have done or experienced on earth. The other is that free will is individual and is the most important law of the universe. When you put these two together, you see several conclusions:
- Nothing anybody does to you can change you in any way. Why feel threatened by anything in this world?
- Others may cause you to choose to create a self in order to react to them, but you must choose to create it, which means you can also choose to uncreate it.
- All people act and talk based on their current level of consciousness, meaning the amount of selves they have in their consciousness.
- Most people have so many selves that very little they do or say is deliberate or conscious. People’s actions and words come from their subconscious selves .
- A self is not deliberately and consciously attacking you, any more than your computer is seeking to offend you personally. The self is simply mechanically acting on its programming. Why take personal what is not personal?
- Sure, another person may attack you very deliberately and personally. That person is simply taken over by his or her blaming selves, and if it wasn’t you, the selves would find another target. Why take this personally and feel you have to respond?
- You are also reacting to life based on your current state of consciousness, including the selves you have in your subconscious mind. Your selves will seem to take everything personally. Does that mean you have to take everything personally? After all, the selves are not self-aware and cannot truly take anything personally—they simply act on their programming and appear to be taking things personally.
- The selves are created to take things personally so you don’t have to. This will not work, as you still experience life through the perception filter of the selves. The selves don’t actually feel bad; you feel bad and that is why you need to leave the selves behind.
- You have self-awareness. You have chosen to take things personally—and you can at any time choose to un-choose that choice.
Pondering these facts can help you to stop taking it personally when life or other people do something to you. But what about when you think that you have made a mistake and start blaming yourself?
Stop blaming yourself
Again, blame does not come from the Christ mind. Truly, the conscious self is not blaming itself—it is a self that is blaming the conscious self. Again, this is simply what the self was programmed to do by the manipulators so why take this personally?
Yes, you did create the self or – in the case of all blaming selves – you accepted it into your energy field. But what you have let in through choice, you can also expel through choice—when you take responsibility for the fact that you were the one making that choice.
Now comes another subtlety. In order to manifest Christhood, you need to take full responsibility for your life. Does that mean you have to take responsibility for everything you do or say? Not so, because much of what you do or say is not the result of a conscious choice made by the conscious self, it is the result of a selection made by the core self to activate a certain self that then responds according to its programming.
Do you see what the selves and the manipulators are trying to do? They are trying to get you to react to their attacks through one self. Then another self blames you for the action. You are now trapped in having to react to your own internal reaction to your action.
Often you then go into trying to either defend what you did or to feel guilty about it and compensate for it. What is the result? You – the conscious self – are now trapped in reacting to an action taken by a self. You are focused on the action, and you think that you took that action.
Meaning you are now focused on stopping yourself from taking similar actions in the future or compensating for the actions you have taken. You are focused on changing the consequences of an action, not on changing your state of consciousness. The net result is that the self that took the action remains hidden, as does the core self that selected the self.
You need to take responsibility for yourself. You also need to stop taking responsibility for actions taken by the selves in your subconscious mind. Seems contradictory? Then step back and look at the greater perspective.
The concern as a spiritual teacher is to free you from any pattern of action-reaction that keeps you trapped in the mind of anti-christ. Any action taken by a self comes from the mind of anti-christ and as such it has no reality or consequence for your growth in self-awareness.
This is not saying that an action doesn’t create karma that you will have to balance. The karma is created in this world and it has no consequence beyond this world—which is simply a sandbox designed for your experimentation and designed so that you cannot truly hurt yourself, other beings or the sand. Everything can be erased so you truly do not need to feel any more responsibility for anything done in the material world than for building a sand castle on the beach. Once an action and its karma is erased, why feel guilty about it?
A spiritual teacher has no desire for you to feel responsible for actions taken by selves in your being. The desire is to have you take responsibility for making the choice to create a self or allow it to enter your mind. Taking responsibility for an action done by a self does nothing to remove that self—it actually reinforces the self.
Taking responsibility for creating the self and then choosing to uncreate it will indeed help you grow in self-awareness. Once a self is shut out from your being, you are “blameless before God” of all actions taken by that self. It is then just a matter of invoking enough spiritual light to balance the energy misqualified through the self and that is a finite task.
Again, the selves and the manipulators want you to take responsibility for what is not your responsibility and keep you from taking responsibility for what is indeed your responsibility. They want you to feel that because you have made certain choices that were bad in an ultimate way, those past choices have taken away your present and future choices.
They want you to think that because of something done by a separate self, the conscious self has been irreparably damaged and you can no longer return to pure awareness. This is all a pack of lies.
Spirit cannot be changed by anything in the material universe, and the conscious self is spirit. Of course, in the here and now, the conscious self is what it thinks it is. As Shakespeare said, there is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so. In pure awareness there is nothing good or bad because there is no thinking. There is only oneness and in the singularity of awareness there is no space for thoughts to arise. There is no space for thoughts of blame to arise.